Write my review
Founded in 1849, Boots has been a household name throughout the UK and beyond for a long time now. One of the sole reasons they’ve maintained their market share is by listening to customer feedback. Generated through surveys such as TalkToBootsPharmacy you see here today.
Take the survey here at www.TalkToBoots.com and you’ll be in the running to win an iPad Mini! Prizes are given away monthly so enter today for your chance to win.
Survey Name | TalkToBootsPharmacy |
End Date | December 31, 2023 |
Prize | iPad Mini 4 |
Prize Value | $300 |
www.TalkToBoots.com Instructions
Boots Pharmacy are giving out invitation cards to certain customers and stakeholders inviting them to give feedback. You’ll need the invitation code on this card in order to take the survey. It could also be on your receipt.
Here’s a sample receipt which contains an invitation code:

Once you’ve got your code ready, follow these instructions to complete the survey:
- Use Google to find the Boots survey, or head here – www.TalkToBoots.com
- Once you’ve found the official survey, enter in your invitation code
- If the code you’ve entered is correct, the survey system will grant you access to go forward
- The customer satisfaction team at Boots has prepared a range of questions which you’ll answer next
- Near the end of the survey, if you want to go in the running to win one of the iPad Minis, you’ll need to enter in some personal information such as your name and/or phone number
- All done! You’ve just completed the TalkToBootsPharmacy survey and are in the running. Good luck!
Boots Pharmacy may have questions similar to these ones in the survey:
- How efficient were the staff at your local Boots?
- Is there anything they could’ve done to further improve your experience?
- Were you easily able to find what you were looking for in the store?
- Did you require assistance from any of the staff at Boots? What was it like talking to them?
- How likely is it that you’ll recommend this particular Boots store based on your recent experience?
About Boots Pharmacy
From Boots the Chemists to Boots Pure Drug Company to Boots Cash Chemists, they finally settled on simply Boots are more than a century is trading in the pharmaceuticals industry throughout the UK. From its humble beginnigns in 1849, Boots is now one of the largest retailers in the UK with more than 55,000 employees and 2,500 shops.

They grew themselves to such a powerhouse in the industry that they were acquired for a cool $9 billion in 2014, by the retail giant Walgreens. And they continue to grow. You can now find Boots locations in Thailand, Norway, Italy, and the Netherlands.
A company doesn’t grow so big by not providing a valuable service. And that they do quite well. Boots has been known for its top notch products and great prices for quite a while now, which has been in effect thanks to the feedback from many of their customers. One of the ways they’ve been able to generate this feedback is through surveys such as the one you see here today – TalkToBootsPharmacy.

By taking the survey here at www.TalkToBoots.com, not only will you provide valuable feedback to Boots to help them improve their stores and provide you with a better experience, but you’ll always go in the running to win an iPad Mini. Not bad! The survey’s quite short, and you’ll be done in a few minutes.
So head down, take the TalkToBootsPharmacy survey, and hopefully an iPad Mini will be coming your way soon!
Speak With Boots Staff
Still have a few more questions you’d like answered before taking the TalkToBootsPharmacy survey? Send their team a message on one of their social media accounts and you should get a quick reply:
If social media isn’t really your thing, you can head online and use their store locator to speak with their staff in person. Otherwise, you can give them a call on 0345 070 8090 or email them on Boots.CustomerCare_Team@boots.co.uk.